Frequently Asked Questions

What areas do you cover?

We cover the entire Cataraqui Woods area. This area spreads west to east from Bayridge Drive to Midland Avenue, and north to south from Creekford Road to Princess Street. However, if you fall outside of this geographical area please contact our customer service department for more information.

Can you service my gravel driveway?

We are happy to provide our service to customers with gravel driveways. There are some inherent differences between gravel and paved driveways, and customers should be aware that loose gravel may be blown onto adjacent lawns. Our drivers are meticulous in their practices and will make every effort to avoid this side effect, but it is impossible to avoid all gravel displacement until the ground is entirely frozen.

How do I know what size my driveway is for pricing?

Pricing is based off of the size of the driveway. If the driveway at your residence is one standard vehicle width wide, then this is considered a single driveway. If two cars may be parked side by side, we consider this a double driveway and so forth. If your driveway is irregularly shaped or larger than most, we can arrange a site visit to go over specific pricing. To see a list of pricing options and driveway sizes please visit our “Residential Snow Blowing” tab under the drop-down menu.

Do you use plows or snowblowers ?

Our service consists of only snowblower use. These snowblowers are rear mounted on our tractors and measure 82” in width. These snowblowers are perfect to service any size of lane way, no matter how small or large. Using snowblowers is more efficient than plowing snow and avoids the accumulation of large piles because the snow can be dispersed evenly across the adjacent lawn. Additionally, snow blowing maintains the integrity of the driveway by avoiding scratches or other damages caused by plows.

What is the minimum snowfall you will clear?

The minimum amount of snowfall that needs to accumulate for the driveway to be cleared is 4cm.

Will my driveway be cleared by 6:00AM?

The unpredictability of a snowstorm prevents us from being able to clear snow at a guaranteed time. For example, if the snow began accumulating at 5am it is unlikely the driveway would be cleared by 6am. However, our service is always timely and in accordance with the storm during that given instance. We can guarantee that each client will have the full potential to access their lane way during the storm.

What if the city plow comes by after you’ve already cleared my driveway?

In the City of Kingston the snow is cleared in cases where snow accumulation is more than 7cm. Sangers Inc. will ensure that your driveway is not only cleared in a timely manner, but that it remains clear after the city plow has come by. Our operators will ensure that your lane way is redone when this occurs to maintain accessibility. We will complete a return visit once the city plows have gone by, also ensuring that if there was previously a car in the driveway we can clear the area properly!

Are you insured?

Sangers Inc is a fully insured company with exceptional liability coverage.

What if my car is parked in the driveway?

At Sangers Inc, our drivers are trained to work around scenarios like this. Generally, by the time the driver makes their second round of driveway visits (4-5 hours after the first), the cars have usually been moved and allow for a more thorough cleaning. If a car must remain in the driveway after a snowfall, we recommend placing the car as close to the top and side of the driveway as possible. This gives our driver maximum accessibility and ensures that your driveway is maintained in the way that Sangers Inc. promises. If the property owner is not able to move the vehicle to the street our drivers will clear a path behind the car and any banks at the end of the driveway.

*Please note: for the sake of efficiency, we do not ask our drivers to come to the door and ask you to move your vehicle. We consider this the customer’s responsibility, and through our website and customer service line we can provide you with a reasonable estimate of when the driver is to arrive.

What about water valves in my driveway?

If a water valve cap is protruding from the driveway it is the property owner’s responsibility to contact the city and request a service technician to lower the pipe and cap. This service is free of charge and is the city’s responsibility. If the cap is protruding it is very likely it will get hit by our snow blower and blown onto the lawn! We, of course, do not want this to happen and preventing this occurrence by contacting the city is the best course of action.

Do you spread salt if it is icy?

At this time, Sangers Inc does not spread salt onto driveways. It is the responsibility of the property owner to disperse any ice melt materials.

When are the driveway markers installed and removed?

At Sangers Inc we provide each residential customer with driveway markers to ensure that our drivers know exactly where your driveway begins and ends, as well as marking the driveway for was of access. All driveway markers are put up at the beginning of your residential contract on November 1st, and will generally be removed after the second week of April. Please do not throw the markers away. If you would like to remove them yourself prior to April, we ask you kindly to lay them down beside your garage or house and we will be happy to collect them.

What method of payment do you accept?

Cheque or Credit card are acceptable forms of payment (Visa or MC only). Cheques must be mailed or dropped off at our office location. We prefer full payment made by November 1st, however we provide an alternative two-payment plan made on November 1st and February 1st in equal instalment. If paying by cheque, the cheques must be post dated to ensure completion of payment.

Your driver is blowing snow on my neighbours property!

Please contact our customer service team right away if this is occurring. The customer service team can bring it to the attention of our drivers which will make sure this does not happen any further. Please advise us right away so we can correct this and make it right!

Is Sangers Snow blowing hiring?

We are always looking for reliable, conscientious, hard-working, and honest staff. For job opportunity inquiries please email us your resume at